Yes to 1577

Dear Mayor and City Council,

It is my intent today to encourage you to vote in favor of Ordinance 1577. Having read the city employee’s opinion as well as the council’s previously stated one, it is under fear that you are hesitant to pass it. Fear from the County and their legal team. I have learned that fear is not something a person should ever succumb to. If the City’s council is fearful and unwilling to challenge an unjust law, may I recommend several others. Watkins & Letofsky LLP, Early Sullivan Wright Gizer & McRae LLP, or even the Dhillon Law Group are patriotic firms wholly committed to the fight for freedom. Our country was founded by lawyers seeking fairness, justice, and liberty. Of the 55 men who signed the Constitution, 34 of them were lawyers. Today, few legal counsels uphold the principles of our constitution and some even seek to dismantle it. Attorney Generals are lawyers who represent justice and the laws, but some, like Cheasa Boudin in San Francisco, and George Gascon in Los Angeles, refuse to prosecute criminals who steal less than $950 while using the law to oppress private businesses into submission.

You are holding our freedom hostage because you fear a corrupt County who is a faceless boogeyman, much like the Wizard of Oz. The County board ignores us, sends us their homeless at the end of the train, then tosses metaphorical pennies at our community from the millions it collects from our residents. The residents proved to you that we want more investment from YOU by increasing our OWN TAXES. We opened up our pocket books to you and you submitted to the county’s demands when they threatened or looked in your direction. We call that abuse. I want you to be encouraged because other communities want to replicate what we’ve started and they stand with you too. People will flock to our community if they see our beacon of freedom shining brightly.

Stand up for the citizens, do not be afraid. Compliance is submission and while I, as well as many others, understand that Covid is a real disease. The vaccine and the choice to get vaccinated is up to the individual and their medical professional, no one else.

Always Hopeful,

Mario “Presents” Estrada

Ordinance 1577:

Section 1. No Palmdale government entity, or its subdivisions, agents, or assigns shall be  permitted to issue vaccine passports, vaccine passes, or other standardized documentation for  the purpose of certifying an individual’s COVID-19 vaccination status to a third party, or otherwise  publish or share any individual’s COVID-19 vaccination record or similar health information.  

Section 2. Businesses in Palmdale are prohibited from requiring patrons or customers to provide  any documentation certifying COVID-19 vaccination or post-transmission recovery to gain access  to, entry upon, or service from the business.  

Section 3. The City and all businesses in Palmdale shall not require the COVID-19 vaccination,  regular COVID-19 testing or screening as a requirement of employment.  

Section 4. All businesses must comply with this order to be eligible for permits, grants or  contracts issued or funded through the City of Palmdale.

2 thoughts on “Yes to 1577

  1. Hello what is happening here?

    No Google results found for “ban on vaccine passports in palmdale”.

    I just read it in The Palmdale Journal

    The text is not getting seen by Google search. Try something different.

    1. Thank you friend. I’ll be sure to let our web host know. Google has tried desperately to silence freedom.

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