It’s difficult being me, Mary.
As I read the ether(news feeds) today, I stumble across the news story in which Democrat candidate Scott Peters promoted and shared a blog written by John Aravosis; since then […]
As I read the ether(news feeds) today, I stumble across the news story in which Democrat candidate Scott Peters promoted and shared a blog written by John Aravosis; since then […]
Stop hitting your brother, don’t hit your sister, and always expect retaliation if you do. This is a lesson most people learn before entering grade school, and if they haven’t, […]
Chances are you’ve done it at some point or another. Ellen did it at the Oscars and it was the selfie seen round the world, the President did it at […]
I was recently, unexpectedly, invited to a private screening of the new Spider-Man Movie with a friend. It was a “what are you plans tomorrow?” kinda situation that was impossible […]
Recently I was added and subsequently expelled from a politically themed Facebook group. While it presented itself as an uncensored forum for all to debate and discuss, it was a […]
Today as I was watching the latest episode of the Five, they were discussing the fact that kids these days aren’t playing to win, especially at the younger age. As […]
It’s a dark scene, and the images on the screen (whatever the size) fear for their lives. Suddenly the creature appears, do you jump? Do you scream? Did you even […]
I recently read a blog on intersectionality titled Explaining white privilege to a broke white person. The author eloquently explained how we may have abilities and privileges that we don’t consciously […]
Ladies and gentlemen… Children of all ages… Mario presents… The GREATEST site on EARTH! Lots of features and spectacular amazements COMING SOON! In the mean time, enjoy some thoughts and […]
What is Colorblindness? Most would agree that it’s the inability to see colors in the usual sense. Merriam-Webster defines it as affected with partial or total inability to distinguish one […]