Killing me softly

So while the nation is entranced with the capital murder trial of Jodi Arias, a woman charged with viciously murdering her boyfriend, I feel why even bother with a trial. As a lifelong optimist, I have become increasingly pessimistic with the judicial processes. From my own experiences to the dismissal of charges in the Casey Anthony, it has been shown over and over that justice is increasingly difficult to obtain. Now these aren’t the only examples of people getting away with “murder”, but instances like the former San Diego Mayor blaming a tumor for her gambling addition is all to common in this new world we live in. No one takes responsibility for their actions and we look for any excuse to point the finger and detract from the crime.

Jodi claims it was a crime of passion, but violently stabbing your boyfriend over and over does very little to support a case of self defense. As the story is recalled, details are missed, omitted and the defendant seems to feign temporary amnesia I wonder. Had this been a child who seriously injured another, we as parents wouldn’t stand for it even if the child said, “I don’t remember doing it”. At some point, the attacker is cognoscente of their actions, and they will either break down like Oscar Pestorius or shut down like Jodi. Acceptance of momentary “black outs” and “mishaps” due to temporary insanity are another reason, I feel, justice has taken a back seat to emotions. We mustn’t upset or emotionally damage those who’ve done wrong, nor can we treat them like the social pariah they’ve chosen to become. Everything we do in life is a choice, from getting out of bed, to subduing an attacker.

If in fact Jodi was defending herself, how does self defense validate the mutalization of her boyfriend? When you stop accepting excuses you slowly begin to reveal the true nature of the beast. Dr. Ben Carson’s speech in front of Barack Obama hit on this point and very blatantly struck a chord with those who believe in victimization and dismissiveness. The point was sharp and remains a thorn in the side of liberals who champion lunatics like Dorner because “The end justifies the means”. If this were true, Hitler, Mao, and Che would have succeeded and liberals would be wearing their effigies on shirts and flags. I wonder sometimes what is going to happen to Jodi. Will she be incarcerated, or will charges be dropped and she moves on with her life like Casey Anthony? Either way, her trial has very little impact on my life, but the perpetualization and acceptance of excuses will continue to softly kill our judicial system.

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