Letter to AV Pride H8r

“””May 14, 2013
Dear Mysterious Individual,

After seeing your letter on Facebook as someone who is speaking out against the LGBTQ (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgendered, Queer) Pride event, I have two questions for you.

First, why are you admonishing the entire gay community for the behaviour a select few, if they want to sleep around, that’s their business and risk is it not?

Second, I question if you have actually looked at any of the many facets of the gay community.

The ‘B’, Bisexuality, by its name, implies no preference with regards to a sexual partner. Having sex with multiple partners is a risk that every individual gay or straight must take upon themselves and weigh the consequences of their actions. I have a friend who worked intimately with the Bush Family serving African Families wrought by this epidemic. While there are over 6,000 deaths a DAY due to AIDS in Africa, many of the new incidences of infection are a consequence of the social myth that sexual activity with a virgin female will cure the infected. The objectification of women in their culture compounds their suffering and thusly your friend has a lot of work ahead of them. This is not something I foresee happening in the United States or the gay community. Many of us have known someone who’s passed because of the disease or have been personally affected which is why Pride has been a fundraising event for our community.

We do not be promote bisexual behavior, only recognize it.

As to what happens in the bedroom, it is certainly none of your business and my physical health information is between me and my medical provider. I understand that 50% of gay relationships are open but not all of them are and those who choose to have sexual relations outside of the pairing are making a conscious decision to do so and understand the ramifications. While you make generalizations about a group of people, understand that I am in a stable monogamous relationship who dares to challenge your concept of a nuclear family. Do not be so naïve to your own prejudice and lump all of the gay community together.

As to the Transgendered, there is evidence that brain function is in fact different and once again not subject to your scrutiny. I honestly have no problem with your heterosexuality, or propensity to breed but you seem to have issue with someone who deep in their heart feels they are essentially trapped in the wrong body. Have you ever heard of Turner’s or Klinefelther syndrome, additionally if the Y chromosome fails to activate the proper hormones in utero the resultant child will be female. Please do some reading!

Calling the event ‘Pride’ is to show that while we are many facets and colors, we are one community. Together we can overcome any obstacle including vitriol.

Hopefully, assuming that your letter was sent due to ignorance, your conjecture is seriously flawed. The reality and truths about your innocence is apparent. .

These facts should make anyone take a second look, before they decide to follow your lead in opposing organizations who are gathering in large amounts of money to help their community.

Mario Estrada

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