Compromise & Twisted History

Let’s start at the top, the 3/5th compromise was because of house seats as a result of the Northerners not wishing to count slaves as a full person because that would cause the south to have more seats; true. However, if a person is to be counted, they must not be a slave because as a slave they do not make their own decisions and have no rights therefore cannot count in the legislative body.

Throughout and after the civil war, the Republican party pursued legislation meant to punish the southern Democrats for the war and to force equality to all freed slaves. After the death of Lincoln, the southern Democrats pushed for an easement of the hard line drawn by the Republicans. Up until now, if you were poor white trash with no job, you were still better than a slave. Now the freed slaves had to join the workforce and many found employment with their former owners. But, if you were poor white trash, you were still out of a job and now you WERE the bottom of the totem pole.

What does this form?? Resentment. Resentful whites in turn create the KKK. Not all Democrats were KKK members, but much like today’s ACLU, all KKK members were Democrats.

I have heard many an argument blaming slavery and the KKK on the 3/5th compromise and even the Republicans. However, make sure you turn your logic and attention to the party that actually caused the problem and listen to the party that wanted to actually give equality(Republicans). I‘ve heard the age old argument, “Well, they switched sides, it‘s the Democrats who want equality these days.”

No they are still slave owners. How? When did the big social handouts start for the poor communities… who started it? If you start handing out money, you pocket their vote. Which party started that? The Democrats. By accepting a dole of any sort, it makes you indebted in some way. Be it a party or an individual. People always give because they get something out of it. Yes it‘s true. When they give from the heart they get something out of it, it‘s called the warm and fuzzies. Conversely when giving is forced, that’s no longer giving or charity. Consequently, those individuals who become dependent on the dole or handout will do anything to keep it coming.

I hope you enjoyed the history lesson, now lets get back to the issues at hand, compromise and get this country back on track. While undesirable, sometimes compromise is the only way to keep both parties menially satisfied.

PS. The longest married couple when asked how they made it all these years replied, “Compromise”

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