What’s in Your Library?

By Mario Presents

In June 2022, the American Library Association (ALA) held its annual conference in Washington DC to discuss appropriate literature in repositories around the country. Large corporations donate millions of dollars annually to encourage reading in local communities while librarians train modern techniques and methods of education. Encouraging reading in our youth is paramount for a successful community. From as early as 1910, the United States has kept literacy statistics as part of the census. Since 1892 the objective of the ALA has been “to promote library service and librarianship.” On the ALA’s website their motto says “The best reading, for the largest number, at the least cost.” Librarianship, a profession concerned with acquiring collections of books and related materials for readers, is noble by nature. 

When a service engages in evangelism most notice, but like the frog in water, if done slowly enough no one is the wiser. To foster a love of literature and research many librarians host continuing education seminars to further their craft and compare techniques. Librarians impart information, sometimes to children, and book collections exist in every school and city around the country. The ALA uses pressure campaigns to encourage the selection of new books that are placed on racks and promoted. In partnership with its newly created Unite Against Book Bans, an organization existing independently from ALA but is owned and operated by ALA, is recommending that local libraries around the country purchase and shelve sexualized literature that targets the youth within communities.

The independent status of United Against Book Bans provides an umbrella of coverage. This allows the ALA to make literary recommendations away from the purview of city councils and beyond the authoritative oversight of school boards. It hinders these authoritative groups in their ability to challenge the ALA’s recommendations since they are provided through United Against Book Bans.

Sponsors like the American Foundation for Teachers, Human Rights Campaign, and American Immigration Lawyers Association ensure revenue streams for publishers like Quarto Group, Simon & Schuster, and Candlewick Press that publish and/or distribute sexualized and controversial children’s literature that is distributed in our communities, while partner organization Unite Against Book Bans, prohibits their removal from public spaces.

The 1973 case of California vs. Miller, taken all the way to the Supreme Court, states that the work as a whole must be considered in determining if it is pornographic. The purest interest of the work is weighed against descriptive content and whether it contains literary, scientific, artistic, or political value. However, in 1982 The Board of Education vs Pico, affirmed the school board’s ability to limit material containing pervasively vulgar, or even “random” vulgarity, as inappropriate for teenage school students. The courts similarly concluded that a school board’s retention of such books gives those volumes an implicit endorsement. Founder and Director of the ALA’s Office of Intellectual Freedom, Judith Krug, conceded that when stocking material the law is the ultimate guide.

School libraries are subject to censorship based on subject matter, but public libraries are not. When asked, a local elementary school librarian commented that when they compared their stockpile of books against the ‘100 most challenged books,’ they were surprised to find titles like Captain Underpants, Skippyjon Jones, and the Bible among them. The librarian agreed that children should be protected from sexual or grown-up content. In the case of this location, they donated their copy of the Twilight series of books to a local middle school instead of having it available for grades K-5. 

Since 1967 no books are banned in public libraries and the annual campaign Banned Books Week, originating every September in 1982, was relaunched as Unite Against Book Bans by the ALA. The ALA routinely tweets and encourages the adoption of these books in school libraries. Spectrum Science Marketing recently donated over $5,000 for the ALA to sell digital copies of the Saying Gay in the USA coloring book. 

People using research are given free reign to explore content without limits because librarianship does not involve determining if material is legal or not. Anything is searchable in a public space because the archivist is not law enforcement, and therefore, has no obligation to interfere. Benign or pornographic in nature, all knowledge is freely available at your public library. Books with strong recommendations from the ALA are often purchased, meanwhile influence crusades led by the ALA and their subsidiaries encourage school districts to adopt books like Gender Queer, which is written in comic book style and graphically depicts sexual activity between characters in illustrations throughout the book. Titles like How to be an Antiracist, Here and Queer, Keep Our Power, and Burn Down, Rise Up routinely appears as promoted material on twitter, and subsequently on bookshelves in children’s sections in libraries. 

1 thoughts on “What’s in Your Library?

  1. The American Library Association recently elected an open Marxist as their President. She happens to be a lesbian, but her sexuality is not an issue. Nobody cares. It’s the Marxism part that is alarming.

    The library is using a book called The Core Collection, like Common Core, or One, or heck even Prime, to cull it of books critical to communism or even islam, both very relevant today.

    Most libraries are funded with taxpayer dollars and in some states, like Washington State, you may not hold office nor be employed if a member of a subversive organization. If she was from Washington, she legally could be fired as a public employee. Washington specifically calls out the Communist Party. Antifa, with their communist waving flags, leftover from Weimar Communist Republic Germany, would be another anti-American membership against state law. Weimar also has a transgender institute where they were happily removing body parts from kids. And endless printing of money, with the devaluation of the currency and stories of food prices doubling while at work and those infamous “wheelbarrows of cash.” We are here in history.

    The hard left has moved from Italian communist Antonio Gramsci subtle take over of the institutions, instead of using bullets and guns, to in your face. Because to be honest, all our organizations have been subverted. Buttieg’s dad was an academic who raved about Gramsci. The left voters only care about Buttieg’s sexuality.

    They use these things to distract from actions. Like the Health & Human Services trans lady. Nobody asked her about removing her mom from a nursing home before putting sick covid patients inside. THAT was what should have kept her from being approved. Instead, everyone played up being trans and nobody wanted to be homophobic, and now, we have a person who aided murder of the elderly brainwashing people.

    When folks chose to elect the daughter of radical Marxists as a Vice President and before her, Obama, someone who was friends with Frank Marshall and also actual domestic terrorist Weatherman/Weather Underground Bill Ayers, mostly to be “not racist” or to “smash the patriarchy” instead of looking at their actions, we have a problem.

    Name a US Democrat run city that is serving their citizens. You can’t. Because their intent has been to destroy them and sadly, the people who live there. Detroit, Baltimore, Chicago and others have been under Democrat leadership for decades, once thriving cities especially for blacks, and now, extreme wealth and a slave class forced to live in chaos.

    We are repeating history because we are ignorant of it. Likely because Ayers and his wife Bernadine Dohrn, notorious for her sexual exploits, have been “reimagining education” as so-called education experts for decades. How’d we let an actual admitted communist get near kids, someone whose group bombed the Pentagon, Naval War College, police stations and ha–the Capitol? He has been mentoring the AFE and NEA teachers unions for years.

    THIS is where the woke stuff in schools is emanating from. His wiki used to say he wanted cultural marxism. Dividing people into smaller and smaller groups, to keep people distracted from the real threat to society–the wealthy who periodically blow things up and destroy the middle class so they can snatch up the remains.

    We have a corrupted judicial system but worst of all, these kids with BLM and Antifa who hold up signs from Ayers Prairie Fire Manifesto of “Be Water, Spread Fire” and post photos on instagram as they actually set real fires, don’t realize the system the left is proposing with the UN is not better than the US. Many countries on the UN Human Rights Council the government, not a random bigot, will kill gay community members, or flog them, or imprison them. Many of these same ones, and other countries around the world, have open, government aokay slavery.

    Like India. An estimated 18,400,000 slaves and yet the left thinks anyone who is Indian is so “diverse” and the food is “amazing” and the saris “so unique!” and ignore that the Communist Party is the largest in that country. And like Gulag Communist Russia, that country has an. uber wealthy class and homeless folks crapping in the streets–like Silicon Valley is now. Maybe because so many of our Tech CEOs are Indian.

    We have brainwashed folks listening to medical advice on CNN or Twitter or in newspapers from an awful lot of people who were born in China. Heck even our US Surgeon General was not born in the US, UK with Indian parents. Are they partial to communism? Who knows. But funny how so many who are adamant America needs to be changed, and the Constitution rewritten instead of adhered to blind to color or gender or sexuality, none of these were born in the US.

    Things are a mess. Hopefully folks come together. Keep up the good work.

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