Veteran Spotlight: March

Local Veteran Spotlight: Michael Shaub

The Antelope Valley is the proud home of numerous veterans who are making exceptional contributions to our community. The Palmdale Journal would like to honor one of these heroes each month. If there is a veteran you would like to nominate for a monthly spotlight, please contact

Chicago-born Michael Shaub is a fighter aircraft mechanic (or crew chief) and an individual mobilization augmentee reservist at Edwards Air Force Base. Through his real estate and business prowess and charitable donations, Shaub is serving and supporting fellow veterans in Palmdale and all throughout the Antelope Valley.

In real estate, while most agents average 3 to 4 transactions per year, Shaub has closed over 142 transactions in just 5 years. With every transaction, Shaub donates 25% of his net commission from purchases to a non-profit organization within 30 miles of the property in efforts to help buyers improve their new community.

Shaub is passionate about helping veterans achieve homeownership and assisting them in selling their homes. To this effort, Shaub offers veterans discounts on many of his services. He also donates his time and labor in partnership with Homes 4 Families, a Palmdale-based veteran enriched community that is very close to his heart. The charity hosts volunteer builds multiple times per year and Shaub is jokingly referred to as the volunteer foreman on construction days.

Elsewhere in the business arena, Shaub recently started a non-profit organization aimed at assisting veteran business owners. Through his Veterans Business Coalition and Training Center he hopes to connect veteran-owned businesses for the purpose of hiring and training veterans with new skills. Eventually, and with enough support, Shaub anticipates the building of a business complex that will house a shopping center for veteran-owned and operated companies. Additionally, in Kern County Shaub is helping veterans establish local fire abatement and land conservation companies in order to encourage veteran entrepreneurship. 

We salute Michael Shaub, a local veteran who is making a positive impact in the city of Palmdale and beyond. To learn more about the many services he provides, including selling and purchasing properties and giving back to the community, visit or

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