Allies of convenience

I read today that a Coalition Of Black Pastors Spoke Out Against Gay Marriage and I couldn’t help but chuckle. Not that I’m uncaring, because I care what happens when dedicated partners face life’s hurdles together, but because the Democrats, who champion the blacks, women, gays and minorities are are facing a crisis of convenience. As the struggle to normalise gay marriage in our society endures, it’s drawing on the civil rights struggles of other minorities for emphasis. Church faring folks of all colours are having none of it, including the black ones; and the left is shocked.

After Proposition 8 was passed in California, our state released an infographic breaking up voting statistics. I found one provided by CNN and comparatively to other races, blacks overwhelmingly voted in favor of the proposed ballot measure.

If Democrats represent blacks, women, Hispanics, gays (pretty much all minorities) and are so united in their collective cause, why such a voting discrepancy? Gay marriage proponents deny the fact this particular demographic brings down pro gay marriage causes as equally as the “White Christians” that are constantly demogauged. “Those horrible whites don’t want you to be happy. Look how they mistreated the blacks in the past.”

When I’ve discussed this fact with people in the pro gay marriage camps, they dismissed my fact as a literacy/confusing ballot measure. Basically saying it was confusing and the entire group of people were too dumb to know better. However, ALL other demographics (Men, Women, Hispanic, and White) seemed to figure out the law and their results reflect a closer margin(near 50/50). By dodging the real fact, they then point to ignorance or unintelligence on behalf of the demographic to answer the behavior. No one guessed that the black churches were as resistant to the law as the Mormons or Catholics. Instead, it’s easier to apply classic victimisation to excuse behaviour, but in reality is an insult to intelligence.

Facts show the black church is historically no friend of homosexuality, but in the realm of politics, convenience makes for strange bedfellows. My question is, how will the gay left respond to this dissent. Or will they?

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