You’re not special

So an educator tells his school’s graduating class that they’re not special. He receives accolades and support from the world wide web and twitter. There are some who feel his words are too harsh or blunt, but isn’t honesty the best policy? We’re told at an early age not to lie, but when we begin our social interaction with one another we quickly realize that in order to make “friends” and associates we need to lie from time to time.

There are those that take lying to a compulsive extreme and there are the little white ones we tell others to spare their feelings. I personally try not to lie as I don’t see the point. Why share in a facade when the truth usually garners more appreciation and respect. You won’t win any points with your wife whom you just told “doesn’t have the legs for that dress”, but she will undoubtedly reconsider sparing your emotions when you ask, “Have I gained THAT much weight?” Both are opinions, but when you ask a question, you want an honest answer.

Why then are people so surprised that an educator laid out the facts and bluntly told students that in a population of 6.8 Billion, there’s at least 7,000 others just like you. While there is some semblance of truth in this statement, we are all in FACT unique. We’ve had our own life experiences that shape who we are as a person. This educator closed out the commencement speech with this fact because we are special, in our own way.

Are people afraid of hearing the truth? Or, are we living in a world so full of illusions that when reality is shown, we’re awestruck? Sadly I think it’s the latter. In a world where everyone needs to have an award, even a catastrophe award, the next generation is growing up under the illusion that they are so special, the world will bow to them. I applaud this educator for knocking these graduates down a peg or two because I’m sure some moms and dads will be padding their child’s hurt emotions. To these parents I say, “You’re what’s wrong with the next generation”

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