Token gay

When I get called a “token” it’s more often coming from the left. The tolerant culture that demands I use whatever odd pronoun they’ve created to identify themselves tells me that I’m a “token” of the white man.

Let start with the actual definition.





a. Something serving as an indication, proof, or expression of something else; a sign: “His lifelong refusal to allow bigots to truly bother him was often considered, unfairly, a token of his weakness” (Jeremy Schaap).
b. Something that signifies or evidences authority, validity, or identity: The scepter is a token of regal status.
c. A specific instance of a phenomenon or a class of things, as of a linguistic feature in a sample of a person’s speech, that can be isolated for study or analysis.
2. A person who is considered as representative of a social group, such as a lone individual or one of a small number of employees hired primarily to prevent an employer from being accused of discrimination.

In reality, I am. My image and likeness is presented to the world as wholesome and a model for acceptance. They show 2 gay dads, happy and doting, 2 lesbian moms who are faithful and nurturing in every ad. In reality, that is probably less than half of the LGBT population. Most gay culture is debaucherous in it’s behavior and open relationships are common.  Few stand the test of time and I’m proud to make it to 15 years with the same person monogamously. I had a friend take his own life because he chose a life of boyfriends and bathhouses instead of old age and decided he’d reached his prime. I’ve also had a trans friend take their own life because their family couldn’t accept them. Many LGBT flames burn out before their prime.

I get told that I’m weird or odd because I choose to be monogamous and I can expect to get my ass grabbed when I go out to a club. LGBT “faith” is entertained by Drag  who’s performers choose sexual names, but the media feeds us RuPaul, and To: Wong Foo Thanks for Everything Julie Newmar. What it doesn’t tell you is that some drag queens are as vile as those videos are pure, and films like that are the exception not the rule. Few is the queen who genuinely does it for a purpose other than enjoyment of performance or self expression. Common is the queen looking to try on a new gender or become famous at any cost.

Everyone tells me to watch Modern Family because my husband and I remind them of the gay couple, but I have yet to. Why? Because I’m upset that the media would show you this wonderful example of a perfectly good pair bond, mine, and ignore the fact that I’m the exception, not the rule. I’m the token gay.

7 thoughts on “Token gay

  1. This is a great article. The media shows the minority and the most dramatic side of gays. It seems that they lack true diversity.

  2. You’re the token when you support people who don’t actually support you, like Republicans and the Trump administration. It also reeks of self-absorption when you call out other LGBT people for open relationships, but don’t do the same for heterosexual people. Plus, you’re far more vile than any of the queens or “leftist” gays ever will be. Gurl, stay in your lane.

    1. Actually I do speak out against Polyamorous relationships in the hetero community, but since it’s not my fight, I encourage other heteros to take up that cause. It’s called staying in my lane. Call me vile on MY website, sure. Where’s your platform?

  3. Plus, didn’t you try to slam other because their page only had x likes? You’re just a fame whore like Milo the pedo, and you’ll get it any way you can.
    #tokengay #armedminoritiesgetshot #stupidisasstupiddoes

  4. I agree with Over It. You are a token gay. You, and the other mortified-marys promoting heteronormative values harm the LGBTQ+ community far more than those of us in open and polyamorous relationships because you reinforce the idea that we should conform to their “Christian” values instead of accepting us as we are. Yet, you’re asking people to accept you as you are. Basically, you’re a giant ball of hypocritical bullshit.

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