SB 1070 and Me

My family came to this country when my father was 14 and my mother was 4. Both of my grandfathers were born in the United States while their parents were migrant workers and were raised in Mexico. At the time, all migrant workers were required to return to their country of origin after the harvest season ended. My grandfathers both waited until their families were mature and established before legally bring their families into United States. As citizens themselves, they followed legal channels and my family‘s legacy in America begins. My mother was naturalized at the age of 4 and my father to this day has a green card, which he carries in his wallet at ALL times. To see people crossing illegally into a country my forefathers entered correctly does nothing but infuriate me.

The fact remains that these people (ALL illegals, not just Mexicans) enter our country under the premise that they are searching for a better life. I understand that there is a huge desire to come and be part of this country, but there are rules and regulations governing the flow of people into the US. These rules were put in place because our Government and our Economy can not afford to support the world.

If the tables were turned, and you were in a foreign country, you could NOT get a job, not get social services and you would be deported at your own expense. I’m sorry but no one deserves a free ride. I agree that our country needs to use a system to verify the eligibility of EVERY employee. Arizona just fired 7 teachers for being illegal immigrants, and 4 of those teachers were Russians who’s Visa expired. I’m sorry but if you’re NOT a citizen/legal immigrant, you do not have a Social Security Number/TIN, you can not work!

I know that people are literally DYING to enter this land of opportunity, and there is so much red tape to enter that there are black markets for people to enter the USA. The truth is that yes, something does need to be done and personally, I say we should offer them citizenship if they join our army. Any persons wanting to become a citizen that is within military service age should consider joining the armed forces. The United States could grant them temporary citizenship when they graduate boot camp. At that point they can legally sponsor 2 individuals of blood relation to begin the citizenship process. Their citizenship would remain temporary until they complete their chosen years of service (4 or 6). However, if they should desert, or are dishonorably discharged, they and those individuals they are sponsoring would automatically lose their temporary citizenship status and would be deported immediately.

Many states do not issue Drivers Licenses to illegal aliens and for good reason. You MUST be a legal citizen or documented alien of the United States for that privilege. Driving is NOT an amendment right and people need to realize that. I was trained at an early age to carry some form of Identification EVERY time I left the house. If I’m walking down the street and I’m hit by a car, the paramedics need to know who I am. If I want to use my credit card, I need to show my identification. I don’t understand the apprehension people have with requiring people to show ID if a lawful detention is occurring. If you don’t have that documentation, I should have every right to question your presence in my country.

I see my tax money paying for anchor babies and see my hospitals treating these individuals at the expense of the United States Pocketbook. Doctors take a Hippocratic oath and are required to treat anyone, regardless if they have the money to pay or not. Hospitals however, are businesses, and should be run as such. If an illegal immigrant wants to be treated, that’s okay, however the hospital should send the bill to their country of origin. Why is America paying a bill for someone who has not followed the rules of entry? I don’t think that the country of Russia, Cuba, Mexico, or France would be thrilled if we sent them the hospital bill for every one of their citizens that comes to the United States illegally and is treated by our hospitals.

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