O Flag

In honor to “Old Glory” I want to salute the flag of the United States of America and pledge allegiance to it today and everyday. As children most of us recited the pledge in our classrooms throughout our primary education. Today, as more and more schools are distancing themselves from this tradition, I am horrified to see my flag’s stars replaced with an image of the President. No president in the history of the United States has EVER been so bold, nor has ANY party found it to be in good taste to fly such an atrocity until recently. Sure the hubbub may have died down over this issue but the memory is still prominent as ever. Just thinking about an American Flag with the O symbol or anything other than Stars (representative of states) flying over our heads is disconcerting.

The truth is, you don’t alter the flag in your image because that’s EXACTLY what EVERY SOCIALIST leader has done before advocating their complete and totalitarian control. This President has superseded congress on MANY occasions, and appointed officials to positions without the need for congressional approval (why have approval at all?) by making them while on recess, or appointing them to positions he’s made up. The founding fathers set up a system of CHECKS and BALANCES to assure that no one man would gain too much control. This man, the democratic “anointed one” has done nothing but figuratively wipe his ass with the constitution and claim that it does not apply to him, or that his “interpretation” is the correct one. The President is not there to interpret The Constitution; he’s there to defend it, period. The oath he said on inauguration day committed him to a term of 4 years wherein he would adhere to its principles and protect our people abroad.

The first step in a dictatorship, and even the founding fathers knew this, is to bribe people with their own money. We’ve seen the number of people on permanent disability, unemployment, and food stamps skyrocket. Yes, there’s a recession but the writing is on the wall. People are AMAZED at the AUDACITY of mentioning that 47% of the American people don’t pay taxes; however it’s true. Yes, there are those who are legitimate, and sadly there are those that aren’t. Either way the system is BROKEN and Obama has done ZERO to improve it (removing work requirements, increasing the length of time, relaxing disability regulations). Meanwhile his supporters blindly support him without looking at the facts and his re-election went uncontested. Even AFTER a flag with his brazen image replacing the stars flew over a Democratic headquarters building (and was sold on the Barack Obama re-election website), even after he sent (gay)Ambassador Stevens to his death in Benghazi (lauding his pro-gay marriage support just long enough to lap up GLAAD money before passing it on to ‘future generations’) , even after he ignored Israel’s request for a meeting choosing to gab with Letterman instead, this man was re-elected.

The furor over which the Democrats support and protect his behaviour is fanatical in my opinion (as was shown during his re-election; coupled with the liberal gloating for weeks on end). When the image of the Obama Flag was all over the news, Democrats saw it as “no big deal”, or “Republicans were jealous they didn’t think of it first.”

*clears throat*

I respect the flag enough to understand that it’s reprehensible to put anyone’s face before our sovereign states!!! No ONE is more important than the collective UNITED STATES!!!

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