With the announcement of a live action Beauty and the Beast remake, Disney fans around the globe rejoiced. Hermoine’s next adventure is going to be all the talk of the town, except a small in Henegar Alabama. Their local drive-in will not be showcasing this long awaited feature film.
Disney’s announcement that a minor yet important character is going to have a homosexual background was enough to prevent Hangar Drive-in from playing the movie. As the story is breaking, people are flooding to the Facebook page to let their feelings known. Some are positive, telling them they are really within their rights. The Washington post even found a gay atheist, Cory Lovins, who supports their decision. However, people like Jake Stoer III just spill anger and forget to see the ugly they are truly showing. They justify it because in their opinion the hatred is directed at something deserving:
The location has 167 one star ratings, many of them telling them they are wrong filled with the same hate laced rhetoric. This my friends is bullying, and it’s ugly.
Wrong they may be, but within their right they absolutely are. Let them not show the movie, but don’t force the business down because you’re angry. Move along, nothing to see here; except the Beast in all of us.