—Leftism is a Drag—

by Ryan Woods aka Lady Maga USA

When I was a little boy, I’d sneak and put on my sister’s pink prom dress when nobody was home. I’d twirl in front of the mirror and pretend I was a princess. When I’d get caught, I’d be punished. Looking back, my Mormon parents could have been a little more understanding, but I’m grateful to them for one thing: They made it clear that I was a boy, not a girl.

Had I been born today to woke parents in the era of “trans kids” lunacy I’d have likely been told the opposite. The modern LGBTQ narrative claims to be against the “gender binary,” yet they reinforce it every time they tell a little boy that his love of the color pink means he’s in the wrong body. Some boys love pink. They are still boys.

Today, I’m a drag artist. I prefer the term drag artist because, like everything the left touches, drag queen culture has been perverted, destroyed, and radicalized. Drag queens are stripping in front of children in libraries and schools. Recently, in the L.A. “Pride Parade” a drag queen was standing on top of a giant eggplant throwing packets of lubricant to the audience, which was filled with children.

In Dallas, children were invited to a bar to watch drag queens gyrate and twerk in front of a neon sign that said, “It’s not gonna lick itself.” I come from a large Mormon family, and I have over 50 nieces and nephews. If someone took one of them to that show, I’d be obligated to rip off my wig and start a fight.

The artistry of drag is nothing new. Throughout history, men have dressed up in women’s clothing for theatrical and comedy purposes. Shakespeare’s female roles were always performed by men. Films such as Mrs. Doubtfire are hilarious because the act of dressing up is recognized as comedic, not an overt attempt to sexualize & confuse children.

Are all drag queens evil? Of course not. The best drag queens rely on their over-the-top costumes and quick wit to make people smile. The modern trend in drag is to be as sexual as possible, much like in pop music (WAP by Cardi B, for example). There’s an overt attack on traditional families, values, and standards of decency. The left knows that an immoral population obsessed with sexual debauchery is easy to control.

I began performing in drag in 2016 after a painful divorce. I was looking for a new challenge. Since I could walk, I’ve been performing, singing, dancing, and starring in theatrical productions. I wanted to get back into the arts—and I saw an opportunity to get back on stage. I love a spotlight, I love rehearsals, and I love the adrenaline rush of waiting to go on stage.

I also have an eternal love of everything that sparkles. Drag was a perfect fit.

I became a popular drag queen in Salt Lake City, Utah. I was hired as a professional Britney Spears impersonator and I’d appear at private events. But I never felt like I really fit in. I’d sit through explicit performances and raunchy humor and shrug it off because I was in an adults-only environment. But when Donald Trump entered the political arena the shows became more and more overtly leftist. Every show had content that was anti-Trump, anti-white, and anti-Christian.

I realized I was back in the closet. I had already come out of the closet as a gay Mormon, and I was even deeper in the closet as a Conservative drag artist. I reached a breaking point and decided to create the character of “Lady Maga USA” and enter politics to help save America. My pride comes from my accomplishments, not my sexuality. The butchered new “pride flag” doesn’t represent me. I only wave the American flag.

Coming out of the closet as a gay man was a walk in the park compared to coming out as a gay Trump supporter. I was immediately canceled by the entire LGBTQ “community” in Utah. Former friends called me a Nazi and publicly posted comments such as, “You’re a garbage person. You are ex-communicated from any LGBTQ space in Utah.”

I attempted to host a forum discussion in Utah about being a gay conservative. The drag queen mafia in Utah harassed my venue and successfully shut me down, with over 300 people planning to host a “F***k Trump” rally outside my event. They’ve also successfully shut down my events in Chicago and Minneapolis. Love, tolerance, and diversity, right?

I’ve had spit water thrown on me and I was punched in the gut in San Francisco. I was recently assaulted at a pro-life rally by an abortion activist. Their message is clear: Dissent from the alphabet mafia will result in punishment. I lost my 8-year career in the airline industry because of LGBTQ radicals complaining about me.

In June, I went to the Utah “Pride Festival” to film Facebook live videos and show what really goes on. I saw adults walking around essentially naked or in sex gear surrounded by hundreds of children. The most popular booth was the Church of Satan where they were “unbaptizing” Christians. I’ve never felt such darkness.

I love a wig. I love makeup. I don’t love evil. My artistry is about joy. It’s about theatrics. It’s not about indoctrinating children. If I’m seen in public and a family wants a photo, I won’t take it before explaining that I’m a man in a costume—no need to discuss sexuality or gender confusion.

Leftism is a drag. Common sense gays & drag artists don’t accept what’s going on.

But they’re too afraid to say anything. They know they’ll be persecuted.

Saving this country requires courage & sacrifice. I think of the soldiers at D-day when I get discouraged. I’m sure they didn’t want to put on their uniforms that day. My drag is my uniform to defy the leftists. I’m grateful that my combat is only in a culture war. For now.

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