
Imagine you’re a woman who’s recently conceived. Imagine you have no path to support this child, imagine your only perceived escape route is one which results in the termination of the life inside of you. Do you do it? There are many reasons wherein a woman feels like they should have an abortion and far me it for me to judge their decisions. My taxes should NOT be funding these procedures, but I also don’t think we should be making it inaccessible or illegal. Finally, one must also take into consideration the feelings of the father, because biologically, the father has 50% of the say in the child’s survivability.

These are real issues that face a multitude of women daily and while the issue is one of fierce passion, emotions must first be removed when discussing infanticide. The facts are, a woman chooses to terminate the life herself, possibly with coercion, but in many cases by the time they’ve arrived at the clinic, the choice has been made and backing out rarely happens. Many see this step as a desperate act from a desperate person and in rare cases, a trip to the clinic is as routine as a trip to the grocery store. In my opinion, the latter is a more heinous act than the former because in order to be desensitized to the termination of a life, one must have repeated the process a multitude of times. This outlying and unspoken fact is one of the reasons I feel we SHOULD have a “3 strikes” rule. Three times (you can abort safely) and on the (4th) we take the uterus.

How chauvinistic you may say. What about if they were raped, or… Well the reality is, women who are raped very rarely are raped more than once, and those who would claim rape repeatedly (in order to gain an abortion) should be scrutinized (Why is it recurring?). If someone has a multitude of fetal terminations, they are doing so most likely as a form of birth control; that’s just the truth. Cases of rape or sexual violation should be examined, with the choice of abortion or birth left completely up to the victim. However in most cases conception occurs as a result of sexual passion between two individuals who willingly chose to not take prior precautions to prevent said conception. That passion may come as a consequence of alcohol, or love, but regardless the choice was made and no one but you should finance your choice to terminate the unborn. There are groups setup to help people for a variety of ailments or necessities, planned parenthood could exist as one of these groups for late term procedures, but there are lower cost alternatives nowadays provided action is taken immediately following copulation (plan B).

I know there are debates as to when life begins, but in MY opinion (you can disagree, it’s ok) life truly begins when the first brainwaves can be measured. No one is stopping you, the person, from your choice but yourself. There IS the issue of the father, who’s 50% a part of the unborn. The question then becomes, what if the father wants to keep the child, and the mother doesn’t. Does the father even have a choice? Should he? I say yes, he should have a say provided that the incubation and birth of the child won’t result in the mother’s death (as long as she can safely carry it, she will). When the decision is agreed upon, the mother would RELINQUISH her parental rights because it was her decision to terminate it and the father is assuming SOLE responsibility of the child. It has been LONG recorded that women have used men as support BECAUSE they chose to carry the child SPECIFICALLY for the support.

Given the opportunity, since it IS a woman’s body, I’d let (only)the women vote. Do you support an amendment/law as follows:

A woman shall have the right to terminate life provided it is under circumstances of incest/rape without consent of the perpetrator. A woman shall have the right to terminate life if she and the father of the child mutually consent. A woman shall NOT have the right to terminate life if the father chooses to protect the sire and assume full responsibility of charge principal and following the birth. Conversely, if a father chooses to terminate life before birth and the woman does not, he will relinquish responsibility of the sire.

“No one should be a slave to another and children have been used to enslave biological parents for generations.” ~Mario

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