God saved the Queen

This day in age, the idea of conversion is one wrought with skepticism and disbelief but don’t blink when we hear stories of heterosexuals who divorce their spouse and begin a homosexual lifestyle. Why then, would a community who fights for the right to be themselves, label any homosexual who leaves the community an apostate? They excommunicate anyone who doesn’t ascribe to their beliefs and ridicule the idea that a person can be a former homosexual.

Recently I discovered a group of people who left their LGBTQ lifestyle for a life of heteronormativity. They denounce the drug laden club life and promiscuity for husbands, wives, and in some cases children. These people find fulfillment in their faith and some of these people even reverse the sexual transition they began in their youth. Women who lived their lives as men and men who performed as women are leaving the Rainbow plantation and attributing their newfound happiness to the Lord.

As an outcast of the LGBTQ community myself, I find commonality with these people who felt lost and alone. We’ve been the subject of ridicule among our peers and the loneliness that comes with not being part of any community can lead to deep depression. I was blessed to find a person who shared my views and together we supported one another through the most trying times of our relationship. Eventually we built a life together and insulated ourselves from a class of people who relish in calling us names and projecting their insecurities on us.

My husband and I have not been an active part of the “community” for a long time, and the only time we go to the clubs is when our friend performs and even those occasions are rare. We’re not promiscuos and we champion pair bonds as superior to the open relationship nonsense they peddle. We get made fun of by other gays because we’re “trying to be hetero”, when in reality we respect our relationship.

I’m a huge advocate for people to get firearms training and in 2016, my husband and I invited the NRA to our little pride event here in Lancaster, CA. The directors gagged and complained, but every thankful attendee was sent back to the board to shut them up…

I can honestly say, I’m the most hated homo in my hometown and I don’t care. No one ever affected change by going with the flow.

If I can be best friends with a Democrat drag queen and a conservative Transexual, a former gay person is the perfect fit for my conservative family.

Keep doing you boo and I’m rooting for you… My husband and I both are.

1 thoughts on “God saved the Queen

  1. So refreshing to read this. It’s rare that overcomers who have came out of homosexuality and into God’s grace see non-biased views from the side of the fence we once marched alongside with. Thanks for your understanding. P.s. Love Kevin! He has such a bold and radical heart for other overcomers.

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