Dear Rush

October 25, 2012
Dear Rush,

I know you have lots of emails and lots of news stories that you cover. My husbear listens to your show every morning on his commute to Los Angeles and I wanted to say thank you for all the good work you do. Today I came across an article that broke my heart and felt that I should share it with you and possibly your listeners/web audience. Yesterday Kyle Wood, a full-time volunteer working for GOP House candidate Chad Lee, was hospitalized for injuries suffered during what he said was an assault at his home. Authorities believe that this attack not only stemmed from his association with the GOP, but also coupled with the fact that he was in fact gay.

As a fellow Conservagay my heart broke and I wanted to tell you and your listeners that Kyle is definitely NOT alone and our existence poses a threat for the DNC. Their fear of us prompts not only verbal hatred, but physical violence and that is the TRUE face of the KKK, DNC, and the heart of Socialism. Lenin once said, “It does not matter of 3/4 of the human race perished, the important thing is that the remaining 1/4 be communist” and that’s what they’re trying to do; eliminate our voice so that theirs is the only one. Guess what? We’re NOT going to be silent and we will publicly shout from the rooftops that we ARE stronger than their fear tactics and we will NOT hide who we are! We faced persecution when we came out to our families in many cases, and we face persecution from our own ‘peers’… we’re not going to be silent anymore, we ARE Conservagays and we fight for liberty and freedom!!!

I wanted to let you and others know that we ARE out there and our voice is getting stronger. Gay marriage is a bone the president is throwing to the gay community and we’re not falling for it. We know this country is in dire straits and we will do/have done everything we can to make sure Obama is a one term president. I myself help moderate a group(less than a year old) of conservagays, men and women who like Kyle dare to break the mold. We have over 200 members and are continually growing. We are out there and we are on your side. Thank you once again and GO Romney/Ryan2012!!!

Mario Estrada

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