Boycott GOP Convention?

Last night I learned that a group of conservatives are threatening to boycott the Texas GOP convention because they were considering to allow Log Cabin Republicans to operate a booth. Conservatives come in many colors, but anyone who says they’ll boycott a GOP convention because it’s including the Log Cabin group isn’t really a conservative in the first place.

When cornered, these people behave like a congregant of the Westboro Baptist church (who votes Democrat btw). They scream that gays aren’t conserving anything, while failing to recognize that some of us lead “Heteronormal” lives. These “Groypers” like Nick Fuentes lean on biology saying that homosexuality doesn’t procreate so it doesn’t deserve a seat at the cultural table.

LCR has been around since Reagan and helped begin much needed acceptance in society for LGBTQ. It’s because of them I knew that I was never alone in my journey because aside from being gay, they promoted candidates who understood us. When we hid in the darkness of facebook in secret groups throughout the Obama administration, I took to calling us #conservagays because some shared a Christian faith with our hetero friends, and led normal lives in their respective communities.

We lived in silence but always quietly attended or aligned with the Log Cabin Republicans because they best represented our political ideology. In 2010 the Tea Party also fit my personal niche. Soon Milo and Brandon burst onto the scene and conservative homosexuals came out of the proverbial closet. Even as a child, when my parents told me to love who I wanted, I don’t think they imagined that I would love another man.

I’m a patient uncle and good son, and my presence in the community is a positive one. Bedroom behavior should be left to the individual. I’ve always wondered how anyone can call themselves American while telling another person how to be free? I watch women get imprisoned for an article of clothing (or lack thereof) or homosexuals get stalked and killed across the globe but these religious radicals here at home want to put me on an island somewhere to isolate the disease of homosexuality.

Some LGBTQ parents raise healthy well adjusted kids and some hetero parents raise school shooters. Hyperbolic arguments don’t help anyone because at the root of our issue is the home. When we start to look deeper we see that our schools have been raising our kids and our homes are unbalanced. Too many homes have too many electrons and not enough pair bonds.

Promote a stable home before you criticize a person’s bedroom life.


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