Same drill, different year

Let’s start at the top. The healthcare law was passed and the President spent have the authority of a line item veto. If he had any reservations about the law and its implementation he should have vetoed it from go, but he didn’t and it passed. Now he’s granting special exceptions for this and that group, especially the ones instrumental in getting him elected; which is illegal! Bitch, you had a chance and didn’t even read the bill(yes, I read it so, don’t start).

Next you have the fact that Dear Ruler’s budget has been unanimously rejected buy EVERYONE in Senate. He’s the laughing stock because he’s essentially asked for a blank check every year, and every year it’s the same drill; childish behaviour at best blaming others for not getting what you want(blame the Republicans).

These facts don’t come from Fox, they’re actual events and laws of the land. The legislation isn’t workable without a mandate and the omission of a large segment of the population… Anyone who’s life years(elderly and those with genetic maladies) are low will be the first to let go. There just isn’t enough money. Fact.

Oh, and calling Republicans names like crazy doesn’t suit anyone, it only serves to show your intolerant feelings. I know plenty of Democrats, and we don’t call eachother names, what’s your excuse?

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