In Queso Emergency, I pray to Cheesus

I started the day with a friend posting about how he was told “because he was Catholic, he isn’t a real Christian”. As a fellow Catholic myself I’m astounded and horrified at this statement. I would put this statement on par with a statement like “because you’re only half black, you’re not a real black” or “because you’re Protestant, you’re not real Christian”. Not only does this statement make a HORRIBLE generalization it also CAN and SHOULD BE DEFINED as prejudiced. I have a very unique theory on religion and the entity known as God and when I feel I need divine help, he is the one I turn to. It may not be something tangible or measurable, but it makes me feel comforted when the world leaves me inconsolable, and what difference does my personal faith have to do with other people?

I honestly enjoy the ceremony of the catholic mass and willingly stand by my chruch’s socio-political decisions, even when the church doesn’t stand by mine. Religions have risen and fallen in the history of humanity and today we enjoy “myths and legends” that were observed faiths of long ago. Whether you pray to Zeus, God, Allah, Yahweh, Buddha, Vishnu or Shiva the GENERAL message is one of tolerance and understanding. YES, there are elements of some of these faiths that are extremist, but for the most part, they’re all praying to the same God. They’re all praying to the Supreme Being or all knowing one for love, guidance, support and comfort.

Personally I feel that God itself is like a mountain wherein the image changes depending on the facade you’re gazing upon. Yosemite’s famous “Half dome” mountain isn’t such a half dome when you look at it from the correct angle and is a near full dome from certain angles. The path to the top of the mountain may vary depending on your starting point but the destination is the same; the summit. Most religions teach of peace and encourage the example of non-violence from its followers and these religions while different, have very much in common. Some religions are so similar that they even have the same end-date to their calendars and tell similar tales in scriptural texts. Who are we, as men, to say that one religion is superior or that one religion is dissimilar from another and we are not brethren?

This vilification of a different sect that shares many similarities is what worries me most of all regarding religion. Some religions condone hate as long as it is directed at someone of a different faith or belief system of if the religion feels it’s been wronged. I’m sorry, but last I checked we’ve been taught to “turn the other cheek” or “be the better person” regardless of religion. Tolerance is a social compact that many people adhere to, but if a person isn’t in total agreement with you spiritually(and your religion allows it), they can be dismissed as not part of your “in crowd”; I’m sorry that is simply untrue. If a religion deems it forgivable to espouse hate towards another, that religion needs to be scrutinized. I don’t care if the religion is based in Christianity, Islam, or Paganism, the world does NOT need hate and you can take your “religion” elsewhere. Do NOT disparage other faiths simply because you do not agree nor should you exclude someone because they pray to a different God (or no god).

Love thy neighbor and all that jazz…

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