Cheaters never win.

Cheaters in Genetics…. Caught… the professor brings in “backup” (another professor) who proceeds to rip the class apart about academic dishonesty. FFW 3 days later(on class discussion board) and the students are complaining that their feelings were hurt, or they felt it was inappropriate…. here is my response:

I happen to agree with Janelle and some of the others who feel that while the verbal tirade was an affront to our self esteem, you all need to remember that it was a DIRECT result of some people cheating. Yes, it caused hurt feeling, but you need to grow up!!!

I’ve had Dr Stein, and was more than prepared for the verbal assault that complimented her appearance in class. You all need to realize this… Dr Van Buskirk is a first year teacher and still learning about the realities facing her teaching career. She hasn’t yet hardened her skin and the cheaters are only going to advance the hardening of her carapace. You’re all adults and you need to act like it. If you think for one second that people actually CARE about your feelings, you’re sadly mistaken. If you weren’t one of those that cheated then you should really just let this roll of your back because the tirade was NOT directed at you.

The individuals who DID cheat should have been reported to the Dean and removed from the University. I’m sorry, but academic dishonesty isn’t helping you, or anyone else in the real world. Like Dr Stein said, you can cheat your way thru college and even medical school, but when you kill someone on the operating table, I bet you’ll wish you hadn’t cheated your way to your degree. THAT is a FACT and a REALITY!

I did NOT take Dr Stein’s lecture lightly and I also understood that I personally did NOT cheat and therefore it did NOT apply to me. Dr Van Buskirk, being an inexperienced teacher was looking to her peers, much like we do for help resolving an issue that pertains to our homework. You really think she’s going to go to a student or a professor who will coddle you and tell you, “no no, we don’t cheat, that’s a no-no”… PLEASE! The entire event was orchestrated as a means to scare those who even remotely PONDERED the idea of cheating. If someone’s gonna cheat for 3 frelling points, then I’m SURE that they will not hesitate to cheat on the exam. Additionally, if I were the professor, I’d have extra prompters and possibly even Dr Stein at the next exam to catch cheaters and have them REMOVED from the classroom and potentially the University if/when they get caught.

Call me mean, call me rude, call me what you will, but I’m here to learn and to succeed. If you’re not serious about your education, then WHY ARE YOU HERE? Stop wasting my time, the professor’s time, and the taxpayer’s money (because I’m SURE some of you are on some federal loan or grant; many of us are)!!! There are plenty of students that didn’t get accepted this semester that would GLADLY take your spot in class (don’t you EVER forget that). Cheat if you want, but realize that you’re not helping anyone, and if you get caught, you WILL face the consequences.

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