If you think Prop 8 is a winning situation…

If you think Prop 8 is a winning situation… think again… this is how it all went down with a slightly different context.

Say the state passes a law enacting tighter gun control (CA, IL, NY)… The voters disagree and the law is loosened. The state then is sued in appeals court which rules in the favor of the state (not the people). The case goes before the supreme court and the supreme court says, The state did not defend it’s position properly (at all, a volunteer group did it) so the plaintiffs win (by default)but the ruling from the lower appeals court saying the state has every right to tighten gun control is lawful and stands. Who really wins? The People?? The State??

What precedent does that set?

What it DID do was essentially define that gay marriage is now the equivalent of a building permit.

My immediate thought on the supreme Court ruling was “I hope this doesn’t embolden the militant gays who think they can trample a religious institutions ability to say, ‘No I won’t gay marry you.'”

The fact remains that the federal government will not force religious institutions to perform blessings/rites for gay couples; for now. I feel the Feds WILL make it difficult for them to exist through removal of tax exempt status and/or fines for non compliance. If the government DOES force religions to perform rites, I will be the first in line… at a Mosque.

I stand in a community that can’t HATES me because I am both for my own rights and the rights of those, many of whom, would willingly oppress me.

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