Fate and Religion

*Strech snap of fingers*

Here it is people. I was raised as a cafeteria Catholic (Ya know, the Holiday and important dates one). I was baptized, received communion, and was confirmed with the Saint name Xavier. Over my education, the stories of the bible didn’t seem to fit my scientific interest and so I started to evlove my own theory on religion. I don’t doubt that God exists and I would never renounce my faith because my God, whether he be found in the Catholic Church or the Jewish temple is a good God who preaches love, tolerance and has given man the outline for success. Historians will not deny that the stories of Jesus Christ can be paralleled throughout mythology history and across the seas. There is but one reason for religion and in my opinion, it’s mass control.

Humans are not inherently good (surprise surprise!!!). We have to be taught goodness. We learn through our parents and it is enforced in religious doctrine all over the globe. Live a good live, form a stable pair bond (revere it), raise children, and don’t be a blight on mankind. Without parents where do the children lean these traits? Sunday schools are good places, but it should start at home.

I soon came to the realization that religions all over the globe have been used as guides for people to live successful lives wherein they pass on morals to the next generation and so on. But that doesn’t leave much room for God and heaven does it? But it does!

Knowing the laws of science and physics, it is hardly disputed that energy is neither created nor destroyed. The laws of religion encourage the output of good positive energy with the reward of heaven/light and castigate bad or negative forces with the threat of hell/darkness. How though do these things relate? My theory is that heaven is what you make of it. When you put out good energy and live a good life, your good energy coalesces after death into the perception or creation of heaven. The opposite would then in fact be true for those who put out negative/bad energy.

I don’t know if my theory is correct or if it will ever be proven true, but the fact remains that without religion, it’s up to parents to bestow morals and teach them the lessons needed for achievement. We all hold the power to become more than what we are but if we’re selfish or driven by negative forces, our species WILL destroy itself.

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