Condemning Radical Islam

Whenever an act of terror is committed, the media and politically correct pundits are rapid in distancing moderate Muslims from the radical ones. We’re constantly told not to prejudge all Islamists as terrorists and are reminded that Christians have committed atrocities against others in the past. While much of Christianity has moved beyond stoning adulterers and ostracizing homosexuals, other faiths abroad have made no such move; nor will they.

Christians in the past were just as intolerant and violent as the Muslims as is exemplified in the Crusades. However, the vast majority of Christians today are VERY VERY VERY quick to condemn ANY un-Christ-like behavior. The Mormons are changing, the Catholics and Evangelicals are too, but fundamentalist Muslims get more and more vicious with each passing year. They kill their own, suppress their own, and are a real THREAT to ALL non Muslims. ‘Murica may have burned crosses in the name of religion, but remember that it was Democrats in the KKK using “God” to their own benefit. Real Christians don’t use God for their gain, they give God the glory for the good they do.

No one can make fun of Mohammed or Islam lest they face outward hostility and outrage by the entire Muslim community; not so much Jesus, The Vatican, or Pope. The root of the point is that not a single Muslim leader has EVER come out against terrorism. When pressed, they change the topic or discount it as paranoia. Find me an Immam who denounces terrorism; I can find plenty of preachers.

Imagine, if Catholics were suicide bombing innocent people in the name of Christianity then the Mormons said “we’re Christians too but and don’t lump us with those Catholics.” Yet they remain silent when terrorism occurs and they refuse to denounce the violence. Christians don’t feign the victim, they are the future victim in this new world and in the past. All you have to do is look at Egypt today and Armenia, which no longer exists to witness the blatant destruction of Christians.

We get offended when someone lumps all Muslims with plane hijacking terrorists, but prejudices are human safety mechanisms. The reason you clutch your purse or keys tighter while walking through the dark is because of your prejudgements of what may or may not happen. Anyone who doesn’t is an idealistic idiot. I challenge any member of the Islamic faith to openly denounce terrorism and lobby their religious leaders to also denounce the violence. Is there anyone strong enough to step up to the challenge? I certainly hope so.

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