A Second Term

So, it’s been almost a week since President Obama’s re-election. Some people are still gloating, while for others, the commiserating continues. I’ve had my share of the pity party and a slice of humble pie, now I’m ready to get back to work. What work? In the wake of the election many people’s hours are being reduced and others eliminated altogether. We are sure to see plenty of pointing fingers at the administration, corporations, the rich, and even the business owners themselves. Truth is, for those who read the healthcare bill, like myself, we expected this to be the normal and we shouted from the top of our lungs to others who covered their ears and re-elected him.

I’m not blaming him as a person I’m blaming his policies. The policies of this Administration are the main reason I voted against Mr Obama, and I have yet to hear a rational reason why he was re-elected. This idea alone dumbfounds me but talking to my neighbor who “walked in checked the box for Obama and left”, I’m also not surprised. Sometimes I feel like a broken record saying that people are dumb, but they ARE!!!! This gentleman cares not for a thing but what he gets in his pocket, and the president that will assure it; my heart hurt when I heard this. The aforementioned is the reality of the second term. People like this and others like him scare me the most. I wonder sometimes if I’m not crazy or if I’m mean or… but I dunno. I question my own sanity when I hear that this behaviour is acceptable and that these people are included in the decision making process.

Republicans in the house will more than likely cave to the President’s wishes lest they be touted as obstructionist by the media and summarily dismissed by his highness. I say this in good humor, however those who study history quickly draw the spooky parallel with the dissolution of the Reichstag and the Republican house. There are talks of secession by states over the results of this, meanwhile Puerto Rico wants to be a state bringing 2 more electoral votes to the table (more than likely will be Democrat). What is happening to my country? I know things change, but having been taught about the powers, understood how my government works and everything I see does make me fear. I won’t allow myself to become a neurotic prepper featured on History™ but I have to admit, I’m updating my resume, while looking for homes elsewhere. I understand that in this new world I WILL need a second job to supplant my income and I MAY need to move (family in tow) to a more business friendly climate.

These are the realities we all face in a second term and I just don’t know…. What can we expect from a second term? He’s already said NO to Gay marriage (duuuh!!! Pandering I told y’all!!!), committed to steeper military cuts, and vowed to tax the rich. Aside from the rhetoric, what CAN we expect given what we’ve seen? Will the truth about Benghazi ever be known, or will it disappear from the media like Brian Terry (RIP) and Fast & Furious? I’m truly worried, but I can’t be the only one…. Can I?

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