Hot on the heels of today’s landmark ruling of the Obamacare mandate I, now more than ever, am considering a run for public office. I watch as bureaucrats pass laws that are so complex that they take up more pages than anyone can read in a given weekend to be legislated on the following Monday. I was one of the few people I know that actually took time to read the law as my experience and expertise is healthcare, and I would be affected the most by it should I become a provider myself. However, today’s Supreme Court brouhaha has me reconsidering my position and has me almost upset enough to take cast off in a direction I’ve only imagined.
I’m 16 units from achieving a bachelor’s degree in Biology, but I’ve completed more than my alloted units (I was young, made mistakes)and now must pay for my final semester out of pocket before I can graduate. With the cost of school skyrocketing, you’d think I’d be rushing to get that diploma, but why? Sure I get a BA, but I have a career in Optical, I’m even licensed. Moving on, we all start over sometimes, why not me too?
I’ve spent the past 11 years working in the optical industry working for private doctors as an optician, insurance biller, office manager, and lab technician. I know how optics work better than most and gladly share my knowledge if someone asks. I’m an imparter of wisdom I guess you could say because I like sharing what I’ve learned. Walking through the Sequoias a few weeks ago I attested the grandeurs of the giants we were surrounded by, explaining to my friends the biology and rarity of the “old trees”, one called them. I love to learn and I like to impart, but all of that is nothing if you’re not satisfied. I’m satisfied at home, don’t get me wrong, I just long to really and truly help people.
My favorite story(gives me chills every time) begins when I was an optician in Simi Valley. A young couple came in horrified their six month old was prescribed glasses. We special ordered frames, lenses were made, and family was notified of their completion. The baby was extremely hypermetropic (far sighted) and while being held, pushed mommy away because she was too close(baby can’t see clearly). The moment those tiny spectacles touched the baby’s face and were correctly secured was the moment that tiny body relaxed in mommy’s arms, and mommy’s eyes welled up at the sheer joy. Dad started and it was over, before you knew it there wasn’t a tear in the house. THAT feeling… that feeling that I’ve helped someone. THAT is why I want to do this.
There’s abuse yes, and they WILL be dealt with. But for now let’s just focus on the good.
This legislation is bad bad bad and I’m sure it’s not the only rotten thing in our government. I want to help people and I feel government should be doing good for people, not looking out for it’s best interests. It sickens me to think that our municipalities are looking to make a profit from our tax money when they should be looking for ways to cut costs, invest wisely and return money to the people. Sure there’s operating costs, but there’s ways of cutting those costs if you’re prudent with your investments. This legislation could have been something good, something really good, but you pushed forth crap, voted on crap and now have to deal with crap; on both sides.
Once again me looking out for the little guy, this bill should have really dealt with CHILDREN. Why DON’T children have healthcare, sure there’s programmes, but of all people in the United States, why are the citizen children still without healthcare. That is the one population that has zero control of their socioeconomic situation and they should NOT be without protection. They ARE the next generation but it’s up to US to protect them. At the age of 18, you’re an adult and should get a job, or continue your education. most jobs do offer some coverage, and THIS is where I would encourage the affordances of healthcare from businesses, not mandate it. As an adult, you don’t have to work there if you don’t want to and your employer needn’t worry about coverage for your children since that is a responsibility of everyone. I’m sounding like a liberal (whaaaaat?) yeah, it’s cos I’m willing to compromise. Disabled, temporarily impoverished sure, that’s WHY the system was put in place from the beginning, unfortunately some bad eggs are pilfering the piggybank and the funds are drying up(sucks I know).
I feel our government has lost its way and the people have become either too complacent or disgruntled, either way they don’t vote. If you don’t vote your voice won’t be heard. Sure you’re one in a million, but locally, you’re one in a thousand? hundred? Yeah, your vote counts and there IS power in the people, that’s WHY the first thing they take is the people’s will to defend themselves. It’s time that I stand up and say “No more… I’m done.” Dwight Eisenhower has been quoted as saying “Politics should be the part time profession of every citizen” and I’m constantly surprised at the people who say, “I don’t follow politics”, but have an opinion when it comes to their pocketbook. Today’s ruling affects everyone’s pocketbook. Welcome to the world of the tax-penalty.