
Today Hillary Rodham-Clinton, former First Lady and exiting Secretary of State sat before Senate and The House of Representatives recalling her tale of the events at Benghazi. I will admit that I missed the Senate’s hearing but I did catch the entirety of the House’s. As I switched between listening to it on my phone while walking the dogs and at home on the television, one thing was certain; the arena is definitely fractured. I listened as the Democratic Representatives fawned over her, from Brad Sherman, to Eliot Engel, they kicked off every one of their questionnaires with “You’re an inspiration… You’re a model….” *puke*

This is a hearing where we want answers, please put your tongues back in your mouths and get on with it. I noticed while the hearing was supposed to be on the events leading up to the death of our Ambassador, many questions from the Democratic representatives had an aire of “Moving forward what can we do?” and about “Financial matters” regarding the cost of security.

For me personally, when it comes to the safety of our Ambassadors abroad and representatives of our Nation, there is no cost too great; number one. Number two, any honestly tough questions regarding your communication within high levels of our military as Secretary of State will be I suppose, replied to in “writing” per the testimony. Why the Republicans didn’t see this tactic from a mile away is absolutely embroiling. One Representative brought up the valid points making the assertion that “There’s plenty an F-16 can do to disburse a crowd without using violence.” Indicating that proper communication would have assured our people on the ground that they are in fact being watched and help is on it’s way.

When our representatives finally pressed the issue of blaming a video or calling it terror, Madame mentioned terror and rose garden in the same sentence yes, but much like her superior, danced around the topic at hand. She refused to answer solidly any question about acting on terrorism while she reaffirmed the fact that intelligence was in it’s infancy and dismissed ANY notion that we were not in communication with our people on the ground. At one point she stated that she was in constant communicae with the commander but never officially spoke to him until 7 hours later. *BINGO!!!* Yeah I heard that and screamed out loud, but the questioning Representative didn’t press this glaring discrepancy and she slipped through a scapegoat in Susan Rice & “Sunday Morning” talk shows.

Oh how I was disheartened by the end because we still don’t have any answers and 4 people are still dead with no new information, we are directed to a report that doesn‘t blame anyone while she throws herself on the sword of truth. Who does our dollar stop with, if not our leaders?

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